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Guidance during labor and birth

Every labor and every birth are unique, and they run at their own rhythm.
That is why it is essential to be guided by an experienced and trusted midwife.
With such a personal guidance, you have a much greater chance of a positive birth experience and fewer medical interventions.

House of Meraki

Diagnosis of Labor


Your midwife will visit you at home to assess whether the process of labor has actually started, and when is the best time to leave for the hospital. By doing so, the chance is small that you will be hospitalized too early (risking unnecessary medical interventions) and sent back home.


Labor at home


When you do start experiencing your first contractions, you can definitely choose to be accompanied by your midwife. You can then actively labor in your own, familiar environment. We check how far the labor has progressed and keep a very close eye on your well-being, including that of your child, and also of your partner. We offer tips, trust and active assistance. We supervise the labor at home as long as you feel stable and comfortable, or until we indicate it is high time to leave for hospital. Then, we entrust any further care to our expert colleagues at hospital of your choice. 

Guidance at the hospital

You can choose to give birth in the hospital, with your midwife alongside. After active supervision of your labor at home, the midwife will accompany you to the hospital and stays with you (as an additional caring midwife).

Leuven midwife Goedele Leila Heleen postpartum baby pregnant home visit midwife at home delivery pregnant breastfeeding prenatal Kessel-Lo Linden Lubbeek Herent Rotselaar Holsbeek Wezemaal Wijgmaal Heverlee Wilsele Bierbeek Korbeek-Lo pregnancy yoga

(personal share)

A waiting fee of 100 euros is charged for each of our accompaniments.

This means that we are available 7/7 and 24/24, from 37 weeks of pregnancy. 

This fee is charged at the start of the waiting period.

Diagnosis of labor: waiting fee

Work at home: waiting fee + 150 euros

Work at home with further guidance in the hospital: waiting fee + 390 euros

Care package for guidance during labor and birth

​Availability and costs


During your pregnancy you discuss the possibility and availability of your midwife to guide you through labor and possibly delivery. We work with a waiting system during weekends and holiday periods.


How much does this cost? 


Waiting fee: for each of our support services we charge a waiting fee of 100 euros via a payment request at 36 weeks of pregnancy. You will also receive all practical information listed here. The waiting allowance covers the 24/7 accessibility and availability of the midwife from 37 weeks of pregnancy until delivery.

Please note: this compensation will not be refunded, even if you ultimately did not contact us. 


Our guidance:


Diagnosis of labor: waiting fee (non-refundable). Other costs (nomenclature of midwifery services) are settled directly with your health insurance company.


Labor at home: on-call allowance (non-refundable) + if your midwife actually comes to your home to supervise labor at home, 150 euros will be charged after the birth (depending on your hospitalization insurance, this cost may or may not be reimbursed). Other costs (nomenclature of midwifery services) are settled directly with your health insurance company.


Assistance at home and in the hospital: waiting allowance (non-refundable) + if your midwife actually comes to your home and/or accompanies you in the hospital, 390 euros will be charged after the birth. Other costs (nomenclature of midwifery services) are settled directly with your health insurance company.

What does this mean?


  • We are available at any time (7/7 and 24/24) from 37 weeks of pregnancy until the actual delivery. ​


  • For the 'diagnosis of labor', your midwife will make a home visit and you will determine together when the best time is to leave for the hospital. We check the well-being of your baby, give you tips and guidance in dealing with the first contractions at home and ensure that you leave for the birthing room on time (but not too early). We will inform the hospital that you are coming. ​


  • For 'labor at home' and 'supervision in the hospital', we come to your home and check the well-being of your baby, we guide you in managing the contractions, we stay at your home until it is time to go (together) to the hospital. to leave the delivery room. Your midwife will make herself available as quickly as possible to answer your call and come to you. ​


  • We guide you during labor and delivery when no medical interventions are required. This always happens in collaboration and consultation with the midwives and doctors at the hospital where you give birth. If medical interventions are necessary, we transfer care to colleagues in the hospital. Medical interventions include epidural anesthesia, induction of labor and caesarean section.​


  • During weekends and holiday periods we work with a waiting system, divided among our midwives.


When do you call your midwife?

During the day:

  • when your waters break

  • when you are in active labor

  • if you have any urgent question or concern


At night:

  • if your waters break and the amniotic fluid is not clear (brown, green)

    • are the waters transparant? You can wait until the morning, unless:​

  • when you are in active labor

  • when you need our urgent advise or if you are growing worried

© 2024 Huis van Meraki - drawings Sofie Loossen - photos Sien Verstraeten &

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